Thursday, December 18, 2008

Couch Potato

"Don't I look so innocent"

For those who are not aware of this, I LOVE to sit or lay on the couch. I am a bona fide couch potato. I am always trying to stand up against it and then try to get someone to give in and lift me up onto it. These tactics may include looking very cute in someone's direction, or if if all else fails, crying loudly until someone gives in.

Well, the other day my Mommy went to get my meal ready and guess what she saw when she walked back into the living room?? Yep.... Me on the couch with my buddy Sally!!! (Mommy knew it was too quiet in the other room) Now I can climb up there all by myself. The big problem is I can not get down and I like to roll and play all over it, so Mommy can't let me out of her sight now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Breaking Some Sensory Barriers

Let me give you some background on my crawling. So far I am doing really good at crawling around my living room. I will go and explore all around. But... I absolutely have refused to cross over into my kitchen. My kitchen has ceramic tile that is somewhat rough (like slate). I do not like the feel of this on my hands. My Mommy and Daddy keep trying to get me to cross over but I refuse. I would just lay on the floor and cry.

Well, for some reason today I just did it. My mommy walked in to the kitchen and I followed her. As you would expect, it took my Mommy by surprise. It's a good thing her camera was sitting on the kitchen table to capture the moment!!

PROOF..... I am Canadian

The other day my Daddy turned on the Montreal game and guess what?? I crawled right up close to the TV so I could watch. I was in awe.

There you go folks. I am definitely Canadian!! Although, some Leafs fans I know may not love the selection of which team it seems I like. (you guys know who you are!)

Monday, November 17, 2008


Ok folks, please allow me to vent a little this morning....

Today the temperature is 2C. It is supposed to snow this afternoon. Because of this, my Mommy thought it would be a good idea to take me to the park before we could not go anymore. I did not think this was such a great idea!!

First, it was still sunny so I had to wear my sunglasses. BOO!!! I still don't love to wear them. Secondly, my Mommy thinks this hat was super cute. I did not. When she bought the hat it fit but now, with all my hair, it's a little small.

This trip to the park only lasted about 10 minutes and then I had enough! I think I'm going to hibernate inside this winter!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Morning Surprise!!

This morning, my Mommy woke up to a really strange sound, me yelling. I wasn't crying or upset, just babbling like normal only really, REALLY loud. My Mommy ran in my room to see what was going on and this is what she saw:

"Good Morning Mommy...look what I can do!!"

"Oh great.... mommy's taking a photo while I have bed-head"

She couldn't believe it!!! She has been waiting forever to walk into my room and have me standing there waiting to greet her "Good morning." Today it happened! I was just "yelling" at her to come and see me. When my mommy saw me she started screaming for my Daddy to wake up and come quick, who had a small heart attack until he saw why Mommy was yelling for him. It was all very exciting!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Optometrist Visit

Sorry about the delay in posting. I'll try to catch you all up. A few weeks ago I went and visited an Optometrist at the University of Waterloo. I must say that he is the best Doctor I have been to in regards to explaining diagnosis'. When we arrived he actually met us at the reception. (Yes...he was actually waiting there when we arrived).

Their oculo-visual assessment revealed that I have functional vision, and my fine detail vision has developed as per the normal range.

My left eye is favored for most tasks and my tracking abilities appear to be more accurate in upward and left gazes.

I do fixate on objects with the central part of my vision, indicating that the most sensitive part of my vision has developed normally so far. I do only view with one eye at a time and mostly favor looking at things with my left eye. My left eye will occasionally turn inward when my right eye views, and my right eye will occasionally turn upward when my left eye views.

Refraction revealed that I am nearsighted in both eyes. The refractive error was 2.50D. This means the clearest vision for me is within 40cm from my eyes. But, I do not need glasses at this time, they will re-evaluate me at 3 years old.

Lastly, they tested me using the Teller Acuity Cards for my visual acuity (fine detail). I was told the normal range at my age is 20/270 to 20/70. My measurements were 20/90 with both eye's viewing. Which is great!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Can you believe I slept through the WHOLE parade

Our neighbour's cool witch

Walking in the leaves at Grandma's house

My outfit said "Hair-Wolf." The picture on it looks like my regular hairdo

My Cousin Oliva (the cat) at the parade.

My cousin Owen as Darth Vader
Last night was my second Halloween. We went to the town of Ridgeway where my Grandma, my Auntie and my cousin's live to watch the Halloween parade. Every Halloween the kids at the public school walk downtown to show off their great costumes to everyone. It is so fun. People come and give out candy. My mommy loves to go and told me that she had so much fun in the parade when she was little.
I would love to tell you it was the best Halloween parade I've ever been to but......I slept the whole time!!!!!
After the parade I went to my grandma's house and walked around in the leaves. My Mommy thought it would be nice to get some fall pictures of me lying in the leaves but I was not cooperating. You see I am quite sensory defensive about touching leaves, grass, or pretty much anything I think feels weird.
Later we went home and handed out candy to the trick or treaters. I had fun because of our neighbours had some pretty cool lights and decorations.
I can't wait until next year!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

First Day of Swimming Class

I really liked the rubber duckie

My Mommy was trying to teach me to splash but I didn't like it too much

No matter what I do or where I go. My fingers are all ways a source of entertainment!!

Today was my very first day of swimming class. I think I did pretty good. I was a little nervous of letting go of my mommy but then the swimming instructor gave us some fun duckies to play with. I did go under the water ONCE. Trust me......once was enough!!!! The class was only 1/2 hour long and I think that is long enough for me. I started to get a little bored at the end. The instructor wants us to blow bubbles in the water with our mouths and kick with our legs but I think I'll just take me time and enjoy the water by relaxing in my Mommy's arms.


Hello Everyone,

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Here are some pictures of my fun weekend:

Me and my Daddy

My Auntie Alea tickling me. :)

My Aage and Opa came all the way from Tennessee to visit me

I really wanted to see what Opa had in that pretty glass but he said I was way too young!

I really miss everyone. Mommy says Halloween is just around the corner and I'm pretty excited

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog Makeover

Hi folks,

I gave my blog a little makeover. Let me know if you like it! In addition to the new background, I also added some links of other CHARGErs websites that I love to read and I got a great idea from a couple of sites to add some music. I added some of the songs that my mommy sings to me and some songs we dance to. If you wish to turn it off just scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Love Evie

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Computer Discovery

When Daddy and Mommy were not looking I decided to check out this "computer thing" they are always on. It is really cool. I can see why they love this.

Oh Oh...Busted!!!! "Hey... I was playing a game"

As you can see my shoulder is getting better so, conveniently, I can get try to get on this couch to get my game back!!!

"Where did it go? I know it's up here!!"

"Ok I guess a cuddle is just as good"

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shoulder Woes

Clapping other people's hands together is now my new favorite pastime!!

Hello Everyone!!!

I have been slacking in posting on here but I wanted to give you a quick update. I injured my shoulder 2 weeks ago. No one is quite sure how it happened but I wouldn't crawl or pull myself up to a stand. I love walking with mommy holding on to me and I couldn't do that either. It has gotten a little better. I am now crawling around again but I still won't pull myself up or walk with mommy. We had a x-ray taken but it showed nothing so for now it's a mystery??

I start swimming class on Oct. 20. I don't know if my mom is more scared of me in the water or her in a bathing suit post baby :)

I also am getting an FM system which is great!!! For those who are unaware of what that does, it allows mommy to wear a mic on her and it goes directly into my hearing aid no matter where she is in the house. Because of this it helps with blocking out background noises when she is talking to me. My audiologist thinks this will be great for me.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Catch Me if You Can!!!

I'm getting faster and faster!!! I'm actually up off my belly now so the next step is hands an knees!!!!

I'm such a Mommy's girl now that I cry when she walks away. OK....OK... I know all kiddos go through a phase like that at some point but my Mommy thinks it is quite funny because for months I hated to even be picked up. Now I cry if you put me down. Yep.. I sure am full of surprises.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Finally... A New Post!

OK... so it's been a while. In my defence I've been pretty sick...and my mom has been pretty sick of me getting sick. Throughout all of the hospital stays and Dr's appointments I have been making strides in my Gross motor skills. Currently I am trying to crawl on my hands and knees. I can do 4 in a row without falling over. Also my physiotherapist is working on kneeling with me and now I do it at home all of the time. These are pictures with me at my fun table at home and of me kneeling at the Children's Center. I love playing up on my table but I can't quite figure out how to pull myself up on it....or down.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Me and My Daddy

My Mommy thinks this picture is funny

I really love my Daddy

Lately I have been working really hard at being happy about wearing my sunglasses. Just the other day I met my Daddy outside when he came home from work while wearing them. I think it's cool how Daddy wears them on top of his head sometimes so Mommy thought I should give it a try!!! What do you guys think?? Does this look work for me????

Friday, August 15, 2008

Funny Games

Me behaving myself
I can now sit using my arms for support for 10 mins

Well I haven't had much time to post lately. My mommy has went back to work part-time AND the Olympics are on. It is Olympic madness here at the Ali household. I like the games so much I decided to make up one of my own. I call it "Fall Backward and Hope Mommy Catches Me". My Mommy is working very hard at getting me to sit without using my arms for support. She creates all sorts of ways for me to practice this (my longest time is 5 seconds). But with all this working I get a little bored so I decided to throw myself back just like I did when I was small (well....smaller than I am now). I just fly backwards and my mommy catches me and I smile and giggle, she tries to sit me up again....and back I go!!! I think this is so much fun and even though my Mommy is not very happy about it she can't help but laugh.

Talk to you soon,


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Let me give you some background on my hearing. I am profoundly deaf in my left ear and severely deaf in my right ear. I do wear a hearing aid in my right ear but I have never shown any signs of hearing anything. I don't ever turn toward loud noises. My intervener rang a cow bell, chimes honked a horn...nothing. But recently my Mom thinks maybe, just maybe something is there. Today she decided to bang a spoon on this measuring cup. Normally I don't sit for long. You really have to keep me interested to get me to sit over 5 mins. The only time I did it was with my physio therapist and I was really interested in this flashing mickey mouse light.

Well.....I loved my mommy banging the spoon. Every time she stopped I would cry because I wanted more. So mommy thought could this just be that I liked watching the spoon hit the cup OR can I actually hear it?? Mommy then banged them off the floor (just incase I just liked vibrations) when I wasn't looking....I turned..EUREKA!!! Could I actually be hearing this?? I hope so.

***Warning*** This video contains me with a really runny nose. As you may know my nose always runs but my mommy can't bang the cup, record the video and wipe the nose all at the same time. Sorry....She wiped it as soon as she stopped recording.

Moving Faster

Well...I am getting faster by the day!!! Soon I'll be crawling on my hands and knees I just know it!!! I do try sometimes but when I need to get to someone fast I still pull myself along.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Milestone Status

Now that I'm officially a year old I thought I should mention where I'm at with my gross motor milestones. It make take me longer than others but I am such a determined little girl!!!

Hold my head up..............6 months
Roll back to tummy...........7.5 months
Roll over both ways..........8 months
Grab my toes(mommy's fave)...9 months
Stand while lean on couch....9 months
Creeping/Commando crawl......11 months
Sitting up on own............presently sits supported by my own arms 2 min+
Walk while holding on........presently only random awkward steps
Crawling.....................Presently can crawl 3 paces then creeps(just today!!)

My mommy and Daddy are so proud of me. I'll keep you all posted :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

1st Birthday Picture Post

I can't believe it has been a whole year already!!! My birthday weekend was so much fun. On Friday I went to visit my friend Victoria. She also has Charge Syndrome and is super cute. Her mommy also helps my mommy a lot with all kinds of information.
On Saturday my cousin Owen camew for a sleepover and so did Aunt Danni, Uncle Brad and my cousin Parker. On Sunday and Monday I had many visitors to celebrate.
Thank you everyone for making my first birthday wonderful!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Getting Better at Sitting

Nothing new has been happening around here lately. I've been a pretty sick kiddo. I am starting to feel better. How do you like my new toy. I love sitting with it but I don't like when my mommy makes me stand with it. She is hoping that this toy will help me start to walk a little. Oh.. guess what else? I am officially creeping!! Yep!!! ME. I still move pretty slow but I getting quicker every day. My mommy and daddy are so excited but think it is weird that they finally have to baby proof.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Photo Post from Alea and Brents Wedding

My grandfather, Auntie Alea, Aage (my grandma), and Daddy

Me and my Great Grandma

My Opa and Aage

I fell asleep before dinner even started

Well.... things have settled down around here now. My Opa and Aage have gone home and everyone is back from my Auntie and Unkie's wedding in Perth.

Monday, June 30, 2008

My Funny Funny Hands

I just think my hands are hilarious!!! They are the funniest things. They keep me entertained for hours. The other day I was laughing at them for 20 minutes. I laughed so loud, it was the loudest my mommy ever heard me.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Last Day at "Snack Attack"

Today was my last day at my feeding group and it was the best!! We got to play with potatoes, carrots, peas, yogurt, ketchup, cookies, and even honey garlic sauce. I was a mess!! It is such a fun place to go. I am going to really miss it. My mommy said that she is not going to miss the clean up.


Isn't he cute?

This weekend I got to play with my cousin Aiden. Isn't he handsome? He is a few weeks older than me and he has some really fun toys. I get to go to his birthday party in a few weeks and I'm so excited!! I can't believe that we are going to be 1 year old soon.

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Best Friend

Me and my best friend

It has been a pretty quiet week around here. Lately I have just been sitting around with my best friend Sally. I really love her.... unless she is licking me.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Playing with my Cousins

This weekend my daddy went to the Dominican Republic for my Auntie Alea and Unkie Brent's wedding so mommy and I went to My Auntie Robin's house to play. She has a nice shady backyard so I love to hang out there. My cousin Olivia was in her little pool so I thought I'd try swimming for the first time in my super cute bathing suit. At first I liked it.....but then I realized the water was freezing!!!! Why on earth does Olivia like this so much!! As you can tell by the picture I was not impressed. Even my cousin Owen wouldn't go in it was so cold. I decided to spend the rest of the day under a shady tree. I'll have to wait until a really warm day the next time.

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