Thursday, July 31, 2008

Milestone Status

Now that I'm officially a year old I thought I should mention where I'm at with my gross motor milestones. It make take me longer than others but I am such a determined little girl!!!

Hold my head up..............6 months
Roll back to tummy...........7.5 months
Roll over both ways..........8 months
Grab my toes(mommy's fave)...9 months
Stand while lean on couch....9 months
Creeping/Commando crawl......11 months
Sitting up on own............presently sits supported by my own arms 2 min+
Walk while holding on........presently only random awkward steps
Crawling.....................Presently can crawl 3 paces then creeps(just today!!)

My mommy and Daddy are so proud of me. I'll keep you all posted :)


Grammazoo said...

Way to go Evie!! You are one amazing little girl, and we are all so very proud of you and your Mommy & Daddy! Come & visit me soon! xxoo

Unknown said...

My dear Princess, it's sooooo good to see you crawling around and as for your (fro) well I believe you have the best, nicest, prettiest one in the whole world.
I love you my sweetheart and I know your Mommy and Daddy will give you a big hug and sloppy kisses for me. Bye for now, Aage.

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