OK... so it's been a while. In my defence I've been pretty sick...and my mom has been pretty sick of me getting sick. Throughout all of the hospital stays and Dr's appointments I have been making strides in my Gross motor skills. Currently I am trying to crawl on my hands and knees. I can do 4 in a row without falling over. Also my physiotherapist is working on kneeling with me and now I do it at home all of the time. These are pictures with me at my fun table at home and of me kneeling at the Children's Center. I love playing up on my table but I can't quite figure out how to pull myself up on it....or down.
Hiya Moriah is Finally Here!
5 years ago
Hello there my Princess, I am sooo happy you are over all the sickness.
It is nice to see you working so hard at the "fun" table Aage just love it and I also love you pony tail or is it (pig tails?) Keep up the good work my darling and soon you'll be climbing over the fun table.
I have been conting how many more sleeps before I see you then I can give you lots of hugs and kisses as many as you can take but for now your Mommy and Daddy will have to do it for me please make sure they are Big hugs and kinda Sloppy kisses. Love you my Little Princess, Aage.
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