Monday, August 18, 2008

Me and My Daddy

My Mommy thinks this picture is funny

I really love my Daddy

Lately I have been working really hard at being happy about wearing my sunglasses. Just the other day I met my Daddy outside when he came home from work while wearing them. I think it's cool how Daddy wears them on top of his head sometimes so Mommy thought I should give it a try!!! What do you guys think?? Does this look work for me????


Grammazoo said...

Oh Evie! You are a real little 'Daddy's girl'! What wonderful pictures of the two of you enjoying time together!

Unknown said...

My Dear Princess, the look works for you. I think these are nice pictures of Evie, and Daddy sharing their love for each other with all of us - Now it's time for a Mommy picture so Evie, you are gonna have to talk to her about this very serious matter!!!
I love you Princess, Mommy and Daddy please give my Princess a big hug and lots of sloppy kisses for me. Love, Aage.

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