Friday, August 15, 2008

Funny Games

Me behaving myself
I can now sit using my arms for support for 10 mins

Well I haven't had much time to post lately. My mommy has went back to work part-time AND the Olympics are on. It is Olympic madness here at the Ali household. I like the games so much I decided to make up one of my own. I call it "Fall Backward and Hope Mommy Catches Me". My Mommy is working very hard at getting me to sit without using my arms for support. She creates all sorts of ways for me to practice this (my longest time is 5 seconds). But with all this working I get a little bored so I decided to throw myself back just like I did when I was small (well....smaller than I am now). I just fly backwards and my mommy catches me and I smile and giggle, she tries to sit me up again....and back I go!!! I think this is so much fun and even though my Mommy is not very happy about it she can't help but laugh.

Talk to you soon,



Unknown said...

Oh my little Princess, I can see your cute little mouth it is sooooo pretty, pretty!!! It is nice to know you can now sit for such a long time by yourself and I cannot wait to hear your giggles again so we'll have to do something about that.
Princess, you have the best Mommy she works hard to help you do all kind of good things so can "YOU" please tell her you Aage loves her too. I am looking forward to seeing more pretty pictures of you soon my Princess. I love you.
Now please remember to ask Mommy and Daddy to give you a big hug and sloppy kisses for me. Love, Aage.

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